Groom and Estimate tickets
as a team simply and accurately

Want to improve and speed up ticket estimation

Use different techniques such as Time, Planning Pocker, T-Shirt Sizes, Dot Voting e.t.c.
Help everyone in the team to get on the same page.

Check More View Features

Groom and estimate tickets as a group.

Anyone on the team could be the one to pick up the ticket, so everyone should come to a consensus on what effort is involved.

Many Estimation Techniques

There are many estimation techniques.
Focus on what suits you better.
Anyone on the team could be the one to pick up the ticket.
Everyone should come to a consensus on what effort is involved.

Friendly Application Interface

The software is intuitive and easy to use.
Step-by-step instructions for the software's settings can be found on our website.
Estimate and groom easily via Mobile applications.


Store results to a project-management system you use.
Store discussions and help everyone get on the same page.
Conversations are written down as additional information to the ticket.
No matter where you are on your journey, just use it.

Estimation Techniques Solution

Estimation Techniques Solution

Choose one that suits you

Many teams are using some form of estimations for their tasks or projects.

  • Time
  • Planning Poker
  • T-Shirt Sizes
  • Dot Voting
  • The Bucket System
  • Large/Uncertain/Small
  • Affinity Mapping
  • Ordering method

Fast Tickets Estimator Features

Here's a brief description of features we provided.

Speed up estimation process

Everything is written down
All uncertainties have been taken into account
Ticket split happens automatically


Project Management Systems

Integrations with many project management solutions.
You can choose exactly in which your team is working


Different kinds of Tasks

Use different techniques to estimate tasks, issues and epics.


Different Teams

Split your employees to different teams.
Team can groom and estimate independently on their own.


Different Tools

Use plugins for the most popular tools to work on the estimation.


Mobile Applications

Estimate a task better with the Fast Tickets Estimator mobile apps.
Apps for iPhone and Android are available.


Fast Tickets Estimator Integration

Here's a brief list of integrated Project Management Solutions.











