Customizable Hotkeys

Tabber is a customizable window and application switcher designed to streamline user workflow, offering real-time previews, customizable shortcuts, and additional features such as the ability to close applications after closing their last window, and the option to hide other apps when switching. SMBAct is a powerful alternative to Tabber with customizable behavior, a fuzzy search for windows and apps, and the ability to blacklist applications.
Chameleon Window Manager enhances window management by providing functionalities like Window Positioning, Window Snapping, Virtual Desktops, Window Transparency, Customizable Hotkeys, and Multi-Monitor Support which aims to increase user's productivity.
TaskSwitchXP is a utility for Windows that improves the Alt+Tab functionality by providing a thumbnail preview of open windows, enabling users to visually identify and switch between windows with ease. Moreover, it offers customizable hotkeys and advanced settings for a tailored experience.
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