Control windows with keyboard



*All hotkeys given here are valid for macOS. For Windows and Linux default hotkeys may differ.

Position & Size windows

There are plenty of predefined sizes and/or positions for a particular window. Some of them are set to default shortcuts, for the rest you can set shortcuts yourself with ease. Below are some examples of possible layouts.

Simple Windows layout


Left and right halves

Simple Windows layout


Top and bottom halves

Simple Windows layout


Four quarters

Simple Windows layout


Three thirds

Simple Windows layout


Four fourths

Simple Windows layout


Six sixths

Simple Windows layout


Eight eights

Simple Windows layout

Two quarters + half

Two quarters and right half

Simple Windows layout

Third + two-thirds

Third and two two-thirds

Use different layouts however you want

Possible windows layout

Center + two fourths

One center and two fourths windows position

Possible windows layout

One third + two-thirds

One third and two-thirds windows position

Possible windows layout

Two-thirds + two sixths

One two-thirds and two sixths windows position

Possible windows layout

Two eights + three-fourths

Two eights and three-fourths windows position

Possible windows layout

Quarter + two sixths + half

One quarter, two sixths and one bottom half windows position

Possible windows layout

Three-fourths + one fourth

Three-fourths and one fourth windows position

Move windows

Efficient window movement helps you work faster and be more productive, especially when working with multiple windows.

Window movement with Shortcuts

Using default or customized shortcuts you can move window:

  • right
  • up
  • left
  • down
  • in center
  • between displays

Cycling actions

SMBAct supports cycling through different actions on repeated pressing of shortcuts. It means that repeatedly pressing a specific shortcut can trigger customizable repositioning of windows, providing you with the flexibility to fine-tune their window arrangements.

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Cycling through left or right half

If you repeatedly press the left-half shortcut ⌃ Ctrl + ⌥ Option + ←, the window cycle through the left two-thirds, three-fourths, left third, left fourth positions, and vice-versa.
If you repeatedly press the right-half shortcut ⌃ Ctrl + ⌥ Option + →, the window cycle through the right two-thirds, right three-fourths, right one-third, right one-fourth positions, and vice-versa.

Cycling through thirds and fourths

If you repeatedly press the first-third shortcut ⌃ Ctrl + ⌥ Option + D, the window cycle through the the center-third, last-third positions, and vice-versa.
If you repeatedly press the first-fourth shortcut ⌃ Ctrl + ⇧ Shift + K, the window cycle through the right two-thirds, right three-fourths, right one-third, right one-fourth positions, and vice-versa.

Specific window actions

Keyboard shortcuts can trigger some specific window actions: Maximize, Fullscreen, Minimize or Restore. SMBAct window manager & switcher provides several additional features you can see below.

Move between displays

Using shortcuts you can move window to:

  • next display: ⌃ Ctrl + ⌘ Cmd + ⌥ Option +
  • previous display: ⌃ Ctrl + ⌘ Cmd + ⌥ Option +

The window position is saved and recalculated for the new screen when moving between screens, including moving the Fullscreen window.

Hide all windows

Using shortcuts you can hide all windows on:

  • active display: ⌃ Ctrl + ⌘ Cmd + ⌥ Option + /
  • all displays: ⌃ Ctrl + ⌘ Cmd + ⌥ Option + "

Blacklist windows and applications

You can set up your own shortcut or use Actor Window Actor to blacklist a window.

After blacklisting, windows don't appear in the Window Switcher and they are not affected by the SMBAct’s actions.

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