Customization Options

Optimal Layout is a user-friendly window management tool that helps organize the workspace with features like grid mode, accessibility through the menubar, dual monitor support, configuration saving, and customization options.
Deskovery aims to revolutionize window management on macOS, offering features like minimize in place, window grouping, window resizing, and customization options. It also provides support for dark mode and multiple monitors, improving overall window management on macOS.
Bismuth is a tiling window manager for KDE Plasma that simplifies window management with automatic tiling and integration with Plasma features. It offers grid layouts, reducing mouse usage.
Openbox is a lightweight and highly customizable window manager known for its speed and simplicity. It has a minimalistic design and can be integrated with desktop environments. However, it requires manual configuration and additional tools for certain features.
WindowMaker is a lightweight and highly customizable window manager that emulates the NeXTSTEP interface. It features a dock-like panel for quick access to applications, supports virtual desktops, offers extensive customization options, and is compatible with various Unix-like systems.
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