Keyboard Shortcuts

WinNumpad Position is a portable window manager with features like window positioning and resizing using keyboard shortcuts. It's lightweight and has a minimalistic interface, but lacks custom dimension options and an included help file.
Stay is a macOS window manager that enables efficient organization and management of windows. It offers features such as saving window positions and sizes, automatic window arrangement, and support for multiple displays with customizable keyboard shortcuts.
QuickTile is a window manager tool for easy window management on Windows. It allows users to customize keyboard shortcuts for resizing and arranging windows, and supports manual and automatic window tiling. QuickTile offers a straightforward interface with visual cues for efficient window positioning and resizing.
MoveInactiveWin is a window management tool that allows users to easily move and resize inactive windows on their desktop, providing greater control over window positioning and size. It offers customization options and additional functionalities like window transparency adjustment and toggling between minimized and restored states, enhancing the window management experience.
Taekwindow is a lightweight window management tool for Windows with keyboard shortcuts, window snapping, multi-monitor support, and customizability.
KDE Mover-Sizer is a window management tool for KDE Plasma that enables users to move and resize windows using shortcuts, snap windows to predefined positions, and assign actions to mouse buttons. While it offers customization options and multi-monitor support.
Better Window Manager is a macOS tool for saving and restoring window positions and sizes with keyboard shortcuts. It provides features like customizable keyboard shortcuts, application-specific and global window states, multiple display support, and default window states.
FancyWM is a dynamic tiling window manager for Windows 10/11. It offers customizable layouts, easy window management, panel embedding, virtual desktop support, low CPU usage, and more.
Clover window manager enhances Windows functionality by introducing tabbed browsing to Windows Explorer, simplifying navigation and providing a sleek interface. It also offers a bookmark system and customizable keyboard shortcuts. However, some users have reported stability issues or compatibility conflicts.
VEEER is a window manager that accelerates workflow and productivity by enabling mouseclick actions and keyboard shortcuts for window arrangement and control. It eliminates the reliance on the window title bar and offers features like window splitting, aligning, and resizing with arrow and WASD keys.
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