Lasso Window Manager is a feature-rich window management tool for macOS. It allows users to easily move and resize windows using mouse gestures and offers custom layouts and keyboard shortcuts for efficient arrangement. Lasso supports multiple monitors, is highly customizable, and offers iCloud sync for consistent window management.
WindowMizer is a feature-rich window manager for macOS that streamlines workflow with window management capabilities like roll-up, snapping, resizing, transparency control, and keyboard shortcuts. It also supports multi-monitor setups and offers exclusion rules for specific windows or applications.
ShiftIt is an open-source window management tool for macOS that allows you to resize, move, and snap windows with ease. It offers customizable shortcuts, grid layouts, and convenient menu bar access. However, some users may find its user interface basic or outdated compared to other window managers, limiting advanced customization options.
SpaceLauncher is a fast and low-key application launcher tool that allows Mac users to quickly launch apps, files and simulate keystrokes through hotkeys. It comes with a hint window that displays available tasks based on pressed keys, and it can be easily disabled if not needed.
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