SMBAct Window Manager

McTidy is a window organizer that saves and restores window positions and sizes on your computer. It simplifies the process of setting up trading desktops. It has features like taking snapshots, restoring saved snapshots, adding exclusions, enabling autosizing and autopositioning, and support for command line arguments.
Openbox is a lightweight and highly customizable window manager known for its speed and simplicity. It has a minimalistic design and can be integrated with desktop environments. However, it requires manual configuration and additional tools for certain features.
Sway is a tiling Wayland window manager designed to replace i3 on Wayland-based systems. It offers multi-monitor support, a customizable layout, and a supportive community, however, it may not be compatible with some systems and has a smaller ecosystem compared to other window managers.
Qtile is a Python-written window manager designed to manage windows in a tiling manner, support multiple monitors, and dynamic configuration. It is keyboard-focused and lightweight, which may be challenging for non-technical users.
Mosaic is a powerful window manager specifically designed for Unix-like operating systems. It offers advanced functionality for managing application windows and provides various tiling layouts and customization options for experienced users who value customization and control. However, its customization options are complex, making it challenging for inexperienced users to get started, and it has relatively limited documentation and community support.
Raycast is a productivity tool for macOS that streamlines workflows by providing a centralized command palette. It offers integration with popular applications, the ability to create custom commands, search and navigation functionality, and a plugin ecosystem for further customization.
Swish is a window manager for macOS that offers many features for power users to streamline window management, such as intuitive gestures, hotkeys, snapping, multi-monitor and spaces management, and big screen experience. It's designed to maintain a clean and organized appearance and maximize trackpad usage.
Magnet is a popular window manager for macOS that helps users manage their windows more efficiently with customizable keyboard shortcuts and drag-and-drop gestures. It allows users to arrange and resize windows creating a split-screen or grid-like layout for increased multitasking.
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