SMBAct Window Switcher

DWM is a minimalist and customizable window manager for X11, offering a tiling layout, keyboard-driven navigation, and support for multiple monitors. While it prioritizes speed and simplicity, it may require technical knowledge to set up and lacks some advanced features.
Hammerspoon is an open-source automation tool for macOS that includes window management and customizable aspects of the system, with a Lua scripting interface. However, it needs scripting and configuration for full utilization, making it more suitable for users comfortable with programming or scripting languages.
SizeUp is a macOS window manager that offers keyboard shortcuts for resizing, positioning, maximizing, centering, and aligning windows as well as moving them between monitors. It supports multi-monitor setups and custom keyboard shortcuts, making it easy to create and access different window layouts.
EmmetApp is a macOS window manager that allows you to cycle, switch and resize windows using keyboard shortcuts. Its aim is to increase productivity by providing a keyboard-driven workflow.
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