Tiling Window Management

River is a minimalistic and lightweight tiling window manager for X11 that emphasizes keyboard-driven workflows. It maximizes screen space utilization, supports dynamic tiling, and adheres to standards for compatibility. River is highly customizable through Lua scripting, but it requires manual configuration and may not be suitable for users who prefer graphical tools.
Ratpoison is a lightweight, keyboard-driven window manager for Unix-like systems. It uses tiling window management and offers extensibility, simplicity, and virtual workspaces, but may have limitations in multi-monitor support and may not be beginner-friendly.
Yabai provides customizable keyboard shortcuts, allows for multiple monitors and workspaces, seamless integration with macOS, and extensive configuration options. It has a steep learning curve and users need to manually configure the program using command-line interfaces.
Amethyst is an open-source window manager for macOS that focuses on tiling window management, allowing users to maximize screen space. While it comes with customizable layouts and keyboard-driven navigation, it may be challenging for casual users or those who prefer a more traditional management style.
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