Tiling Window Manager

Bismuth is a tiling window manager for KDE Plasma that simplifies window management with automatic tiling and integration with Plasma features. It offers grid layouts, reducing mouse usage.
Hash TWM is a lightweight and customizable window manager that focuses on tiling window management. It offers features such as manual and automatic window tiling, virtual desktop support, and keybindings for window manipulation. While it may not have widespread popularity, it provides a fast and efficient workflow for users who prefer a tiling window manager environment.
Spectrwm is a lightweight and efficient window manager with automatic window tiling, multihead support, and keyboard-driven operation. It requires some configuration, but it can be highly customized through a configuration file.
Bug.n is a window manager for Windows OS that has a tiling window layout, keyboard-driven workflow, customizable layouts, multi-monitor support, scripting and automation, being lightweight with minimal system resources. It is designed for advanced users who prefer a keyboard-centric workflow.
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