Virtual Desktops

Bismuth is a tiling window manager for KDE Plasma that simplifies window management with automatic tiling and integration with Plasma features. It offers grid layouts, reducing mouse usage.
KWin is a feature-rich window manager for KDE Plasma on Linux, offering window management, compositing effects, virtual desktops, window rules, and extensive desktop effects configuration. It also supports scripting and integrates seamlessly with the KDE ecosystem.
FancyWM is a dynamic tiling window manager for Windows 10/11. It offers customizable layouts, easy window management, panel embedding, virtual desktop support, low CPU usage, and more.
WindowMaker is a lightweight and highly customizable window manager that emulates the NeXTSTEP interface. It features a dock-like panel for quick access to applications, supports virtual desktops, offers extensive customization options, and is compatible with various Unix-like systems.
IceWM is a customizable, lightweight window manager that supports virtual desktops, taskbars, and system trays for efficient window organization on low-resource systems. Although it lacks advanced features compared to other window managers, its customization options may be complex for inexperienced users.
Chameleon Window Manager enhances window management by providing functionalities like Window Positioning, Window Snapping, Virtual Desktops, Window Transparency, Customizable Hotkeys, and Multi-Monitor Support which aims to increase user's productivity.
MaxTo is a window management software designed to optimize workflow efficiency on Windows operating systems, with features such as window partitioning, virtual desktops, and multi-monitor support. It also allows users to create profiles, presets, and customize settings.
Actual Window Manager is a window management software with numerous customizable features, such as advanced window placement and sizing, multi-monitor support, virtual desktops, and more. It can be complex to set up, but is a helpful tool for streamlining desktop organization on Windows systems.
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