Window Management

Gridy Window Manager enhances window management on Windows by offering grid-based window resizing, snap-to-edge functionality, window transparency, window always-on-top, shortcut keys and hotkeys, and multi-monitor support. It allows users to customize and organize their windows effectively. If you're looking for a cross-platform alternative, check out SMBAct.
ActiveDock is a macOS window manager that enhances productivity with a customizable dock, advanced window previews, window management, App Exposé, custom shortcuts, multi-monitor support, and quick access to recently used applications. It provides several features to streamline workflow and improve multitasking.
MoveInactiveWin is a window management tool that allows users to easily move and resize inactive windows on their desktop, providing greater control over window positioning and size. It offers customization options and additional functionalities like window transparency adjustment and toggling between minimized and restored states, enhancing the window management experience.
Smart System Menu enhances the functionality of the system menu in Windows, providing convenient shortcuts and features like minimizing windows to the system tray and aligning windows to the screen edges. It aims to improve productivity and ease of use for Windows users by offering quick access to window management actions.
KWM is a tiling window manager for macOS similar to Xmonad and i3, offering efficient window organization. It runs in the background and is highly configurable, but no longer in development and requires setup complexity and Homebrew.
Hummingbird is a window manager for Mac OS that allows users to move or resize windows from anywhere on the screen using shortkeys. It makes a more efficient management experience and is particularly useful for trackpad users.
Stage View is a utility app for managing windows within Apple's macOS Ventura Stage Manager. It offers features such as bird's eye view, window previews, and preview preferences, as well as customizable themes.
Display Fusion is a multi-monitor management software that enhances productivity by offering features like multi-monitor taskbar, window management, wallpaper management, monitor configuration, monitor profiles, hotkeys and triggers, and remote control.
HyperKeys allows users to create keyboard shortcuts for various actions like navigating across windows and launching tools. It is an open-source tool that also allows users to create and share their own actions.
Alt-Tab window switcher is a popular feature used in various operating systems, allowing users to switch between open applications or windows using quick keyboard shortcuts. It offers a convenient way to navigate between open applications without needing to use the mouse.
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