Window Management Tool

Optimal Layout is a user-friendly window management tool that helps organize the workspace with features like grid mode, accessibility through the menubar, dual monitor support, configuration saving, and customization options.
Lasso Window Manager is a feature-rich window management tool for macOS. It allows users to easily move and resize windows using mouse gestures and offers custom layouts and keyboard shortcuts for efficient arrangement. Lasso supports multiple monitors, is highly customizable, and offers iCloud sync for consistent window management.
Taekwindow is a lightweight window management tool for Windows with keyboard shortcuts, window snapping, multi-monitor support, and customizability.
KDE Mover-Sizer is a window management tool for KDE Plasma that enables users to move and resize windows using shortcuts, snap windows to predefined positions, and assign actions to mouse buttons. While it offers customization options and multi-monitor support.
Window Tidy is a macOS tool for organizing and managing open windows through resizing, aligning, moving, customizable layouts, multi-monitor support, keyboard shortcuts, window snapping, and menu bar integration.
Better Window Manager is a macOS tool for saving and restoring window positions and sizes with keyboard shortcuts. It provides features like customizable keyboard shortcuts, application-specific and global window states, multiple display support, and default window states.
Gridmove is a powerful window management tool with a grid-based system that allows users to easily organize and manipulate windows with custom layouts, hotkeys, and multi-monitor support for optimized productivity. It also offers advanced features like window transparency and automatic window positioning.
ShiftIt is an open-source window management tool for macOS that allows you to resize, move, and snap windows with ease. It offers customizable shortcuts, grid layouts, and convenient menu bar access. However, some users may find its user interface basic or outdated compared to other window managers, limiting advanced customization options.
AquaSnap is a window management tool for efficient desktop organization with window snapping, docking, tiling capabilities, management shortcuts, customization options, and compatibility with Windows. It offers a customizable way to manage windows for multi-monitor setups and multi-tasking.
Contexts is a window management tool for macOS that has many features such as visual thumbnail grid, search functionality, grouping related windows, and customizable keyboard shortcuts. It is designed to be lightweight and efficient, and integrates seamlessly with macOS.
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