Window Manager

WinNumpad Position is a portable window manager with features like window positioning and resizing using keyboard shortcuts. It's lightweight and has a minimalistic interface, but lacks custom dimension options and an included help file.
AltDrag is a versatile window manager for Windows that allows you to easily move and resize windows using intuitive mouse actions while holding down the Alt key. It offers features like window snapping, inactive window scrolling, and multi-monitor support for efficient window management.
Cisdem Window Manager is a macOS app that efficiently manages and organizes windows, offering split-screen, grid-based layout, custom resizing, window snapping, multi-display support, window shortcuts, and application-specific settings.
WindowGrid is a powerful window manager that allows you to resize and position windows with precision using a grid-based interface. It offers extensive customization options, hotkeys for quick window management, and supports multi-monitor setups.
Hash TWM is a lightweight and customizable window manager that focuses on tiling window management. It offers features such as manual and automatic window tiling, virtual desktop support, and keybindings for window manipulation. While it may not have widespread popularity, it provides a fast and efficient workflow for users who prefer a tiling window manager environment.
Enlightenment is a visually appealing and customizable desktop environment that provides a range of effects, customization options, and additional functionalities. It aims to be resource-efficient while offering extensive customization, making it suitable for users who prefer a visually pleasing and highly customizable experience.
IceWM is a customizable, lightweight window manager that supports virtual desktops, taskbars, and system trays for efficient window organization on low-resource systems. Although it lacks advanced features compared to other window managers, its customization options may be complex for inexperienced users.
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