Window Snapping

Tuck Window Manager automatically tucks windows into the edges of the screen, maximizing screen space and reducing clutter. It also supports window snapping, custom edge sensitivity, multi-monitor support, and various customization options.
KDE Mover-Sizer is a window management tool for KDE Plasma that enables users to move and resize windows using shortcuts, snap windows to predefined positions, and assign actions to mouse buttons. While it offers customization options and multi-monitor support.
AltDrag is a versatile window manager for Windows that allows you to easily move and resize windows using intuitive mouse actions while holding down the Alt key. It offers features like window snapping, inactive window scrolling, and multi-monitor support for efficient window management.
WindowMizer is a feature-rich window manager for macOS that streamlines workflow with window management capabilities like roll-up, snapping, resizing, transparency control, and keyboard shortcuts. It also supports multi-monitor setups and offers exclusion rules for specific windows or applications.
Cisdem Window Manager is a macOS app that efficiently manages and organizes windows, offering split-screen, grid-based layout, custom resizing, window snapping, multi-display support, window shortcuts, and application-specific settings.
HyperDock is a dock and window management app for Mac OS that enhances application window management and offers additional dock features such as iTune control, Calendar event previews, and customizable shortcuts that can be used to open applications or perform various tasks.
BetterSnapTool is a window management application designed for macOS with features such as customizable keyboard shortcuts and window position memory. However, users may experience delays and compatibility issues due to infrequent updates, so an alternative like SMBAct can offer a user-friendly interface and constant updates with cross-platform compatibility.
Moom is a macOS window manager that can resize, position and snap windows using customizable keyboard shortcuts, mouse controls and a menu bar. The app also supports presets, multi-monitor setups and many customization options to improve the user's experience.
Snap it! is a window management application for Windows. It streamlines window organization with features such as window snapping, grid system, keyboard shortcuts, and customizable layouts, among others.
Chameleon Window Manager enhances window management by providing functionalities like Window Positioning, Window Snapping, Virtual Desktops, Window Transparency, Customizable Hotkeys, and Multi-Monitor Support which aims to increase user's productivity.
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