HyperDock is a Mac OS application that enhances window management and adds useful features to the dock. One of its features is the Window Previews, which allows users to activate a single window instead of the entire application. By hovering the mouse over a dock item, users can see previews of every window belonging to that application, including minimized windows and windows from other spaces. The previews are fully drag-and-drop aware.
HyperDock also offers control over iTunes. Users can hover the mouse over the iTunes dock item to view information about the current song and perform various actions such as pausing, skipping, rating songs, and adjusting volume by simply scrolling on the iTunes icon.
Additionally, HyperDock provides a preview of upcoming calendar events by hovering over the Calendar dock item.
In terms of window management, HyperDock introduces advanced features. Users can move and resize windows by holding down keys and moving the mouse. It also supports automatic window resizing when dragging windows to screen edges, known as Window Snapping.
Furthermore, HyperDock enhances the functionality of the dock by allowing users to assign fully configurable shortcuts to dock apps. These shortcuts can be used to hide or quit apps, open Safari tabs, launch Expose, open Finder windows, and more.
Overall, HyperDock aims to improve window management and enhance the functionality of the Mac OS dock through features like Window Previews, iTunes control, calendar event previews, advanced window management, and customizable dock shortcuts.
If you’re searching for an alternative, consider exploring SMBAct. It’s a relatively new application that goes beyond being just a window manager; it also functions as a window switcher. SMBAct offers a user-friendly and intuitive interface, ensuring a seamless experience. With quality support, user video tutorials, frequent updates, and the introduction of new features, SMBAct strives to provide an enhanced user experience. Notably, SMBAct is cross-platform, catering to both Windows and Linux users, further expanding its versatility. All these aspects contribute to making SMBAct a strong contender in the market.
Here you can find detailed information about SMBAct
Below you could find related SMBAct All-in-one cross-platform window manager and switcher links