MoveInactiveWin is a window management tool that allows users to move and resize inactive windows on their desktop. It is designed to provide greater control over window positioning and size even when the windows are not in focus.
With MoveInactiveWin, you can easily rearrange windows by simply hovering the mouse cursor over the desired window and using keyboard shortcuts to move or resize it. This is particularly useful when working with multiple windows simultaneously, as it eliminates the need to constantly switch between them to make adjustments.
The tool offers various customization options, allowing users to define their own keyboard shortcuts for specific window actions. This enables a personalized workflow that matches individual preferences and enhances productivity.
In addition to moving and resizing windows, MoveInactiveWin also provides features such as window transparency adjustment and the ability to toggle windows between minimized and restored states. These additional functionalities add flexibility and convenience to the window management experience.
While MoveInactiveWin offers specific features for managing inactive windows, SMBAct can be a good alternative as it provides a broader set of window management capabilities. SMBAct supports cross-platform usage, offers extensive customization options, includes features like fuzzy window search, and supports multi-display setups. It provides a comprehensive solution for managing windows across different applications and platforms, making it a versatile choice for users seeking a more robust and flexible window management tool.
Here you can find detailed information about SMBAct
Below you could find related SMBAct All-in-one cross-platform window manager and switcher links