Easy Window Switcher is a tool that enables quick switching between windows of the same application on Windows, with customizable keyboard shortcuts. It aims to act unobtrusively and offer support to international users.
rcmd simplifies app switching and makes it quick by enabling users to assign keys to apps. It also includes a customizable interface and experimental window switching.
Stage View is a utility app for managing windows within Apple's macOS Ventura Stage Manager. It offers features such as bird's eye view, window previews, and preview preferences, as well as customizable themes.
SpaceLauncher is a fast and low-key application launcher tool that allows Mac users to quickly launch apps, files and simulate keystrokes through hotkeys. It comes with a hint window that displays available tasks based on pressed keys, and it can be easily disabled if not needed.
Tabber is a customizable window and application switcher designed to streamline user workflow, offering real-time previews, customizable shortcuts, and additional features such as the ability to close applications after closing their last window, and the option to hide other apps when switching. SMBAct is a powerful alternative to Tabber with customizable behavior, a fuzzy search for windows and apps, and the ability to blacklist applications.
Mission Control window switcher is a helpful feature on macOS that enables users to organize their workflow efficiently by quickly navigate and managing multiple open windows, applications, and workspaces on their Mac computers. It groups open windows by their respective applications, create, move, and switch between different desktop spaces, and offers customization options on keyboard shortcuts, layout, behavior, and more.
Witch is a window and application switcher for macOS that provides a customizable interface, keyboard shortcuts, and exclusion/inclusion rules. It is designed to integrate with the native window management features of macOS and offers compatibility with most versions of the operating system.
TorkilsTaskSwitcher is a Windows utility that provides an alternative to the default Alt-Tab task switcher, allowing users to switch between open windows using configurable shortcut keys and a GUI. It can launch applications and is developed in AHK, tested and reviewed as safe.
SuperSwitcher is a tool for window switching on Linux systems; it allows efficient window management through various key combinations, maximizing, minimizing, and shuffling windows between workspaces. Additionally, it offers a quick search feature for window activation.
Manico is a window switcher that provides efficient and customizable window management features for easy access and navigation. Its features include a quick way to switch between open windows, customizable layout, application launcher, support for workspaces, and additional window management shortcuts.